This trip has been on my list since a not very successful attempt last year due to the weather! We sorted out annual leave well ahead and with the superb summer down here in the South Island the level of excitement was high.....but then the shit hit the fan! Not even a week before DAY 1 things started to go against us. Cyclone Gita was approaching New Zealand, vehicle breakdown, flight cancellation for my mates arriving from Canada and I started to panic about everything...
By DAY 1 our plan fell absolutely apart.... so we went from plan A TO B,C to D and ended up going on a family road trip around the South Island instead.
DAY 10 - text: hill is open, you guys got in yet? DAY 11 - dropped off my family at the airport! (Thanks heaps for letting me go!)
In the end I had a chance to spend 5 days fully submerged into fly fishing surrounded by absolutely top people!
Scroll Down and Enjoy!
Peter with a beast of kingfish!
Hit and Run!
Despite the rain and coffee stained water we headed out to try our luck. First day on the water left us with no fish, but later on the weather conditions slightly improved and we were lucky enough to encounter some Kahawai and finally got our chance to chase after some stunning KINGFISH! With every other day the weather got better and better and so did the fishing!
Ocean Hunter
Tailing the flats as the tide rises!
I am at home now writing a little blog post with a smile on my face already dreaming about another saltwater trip, but the rest of the boys are still there... and I really hope they are having a great time! It was pleasure to meet you all! You are a freaking cool bunch!!
P.S SORRY J Kells there was nothing I could have done, but don`t worry mate, plenty of adventures ahead of us!